Lifetime Pet Wellness Center


(614) 888-2100

Homeopathy & Homotoxocology

Homeopathy & Homotoxocology

Homotoxocology is a version of homeopathy. It uses complex blends of homeopathy to rid the body of homotoxins. Homotoxins are substances in the body that interfere with cellular functions like byproducts of body functions, toxins, bacteria, viruses, etc., and can be combined with other medical modalities.

With pure classical homeopathy being so complex, we leave it to others. We do use some acute dosing of homeopathics, but for chronic cases, we refer you to the website of Richard Pitcairn, DVM, Ph.D.

What Can Homotoxicology Treat?

One of our success stories with Homotoxicology is the story of Precious. Precious is a dog who presented unable to stand or walk due to severe neck pain caused by a collapsed disc in his lower cervical area. We suggested surgery as the best option, as was recommended by two other veterinarians. Unfortunately, it was not an option for the owner. We tried a homeopathic prescription, and Precious returned to normal within days! Precious returned for a recheck two weeks later, walking, playing, and back to his usual self. We then adjusted his spine and put him on some nutritional products for ligaments and discs, and he has been healthy ever since!