Pet Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on the body’s innate ability to heal itself through modalities like acupuncture, Chinese herbal formulas, and food therapy.
Chinese herbal medicines are complex formulas of substances that rid the body of excesses or deficiencies. They are gentle but very potent; if misused, they might worsen conditions. Each herb is based on taste, temperature, and the meridians it enters. Some are for the short term only, while others are designed for long-term use. Re-evaluation during their use is essential. They work very well in combination with acupuncture and other alternative modalities.
These complex herbal formulas are given to bring your pet back to a normal and balanced state. They are particular to their use, best prescribed by an experienced doctor, and require an examination of the pet’s Chinese medical pattern. The herbs also should be purchased from respected locations, as they must have high-quality control to avoid dangerous heavy metals or chemicals. Over time, misusing these formulas could cause a worsening or new condition. When used correctly, they can be very effective and safe, and they can often be used with conventional medications.
Food Therapy: A Recipe for Health
One of the most important things we can do for pets is feed them properly. In pet Traditional Chinese medicine, foods are treated much like herbs. Foods can heal, balance, or unbalance the body. All foods have different properties, and the foods you feed your pet will affect their constitution, disease symptoms, and behaviors. The question of what foods are best to feed our pets is not a “one size fits all” answer—and we’re ready to help with dietary consults and a food therapy plan that’s right for your pet.
If you have questions about Chinese Medicine and how it can help your pet, call us at (614) 888-2100 today!